* * * Very Drafty * * *

WCAG 2.0 Test Suite for HTML

Chris Ridpath
Jenae Andershonis

Send comments to WCAG Working Group
(e-mail: [email protected])




Listed below are the accessibility checks that are required for each WCAG HTML Technique.

01 Uncategorized

1.1 Use of the title attribute

1.2 Meta redirect

1.3 Meta refresh

02 Metadata

2.1 The title element

2.2 The address element

2.3 The !doctype statement

2.4 The link element and navigation tools

2.5 The link element and alternative documents

03 Structural Grouping

3.1 Section headings

3.2 Style headers

04 Language

4.1 Identifying changes in language

4.2 Identifying the primary language

05 Text Markup

5.1 Emphasis

5.2 Abbreviations

5.3 Acronym

5.4 Short Quotations

5.5 Long Quotations

5.6 Misuse of blockquote

5.7 Markup and style sheets rather than images: The example of math

5.8 Eight other structural elements (to identify citations, code fragments, deleted text, and others)

06 Lists

6.1 Ordered lists

6.2 Use style sheets to change list bullets

07 Data Tables

7.1 The caption element

7.2 The title attribute on the table element

7.3 Summarizing tables

7.4 Terse substitutes for header labels

7.5 Identifying groups of rows

7.6 Identifying groups of columns

7.7 Specifying the set of data cells for which each header cell provides header information

7.8 Associating header cells with data cells

7.9 Categorizing data cells

7.10 Misuse of the pre element

7.11 Row and column headings

08 Layout Tables

8.1 Table elements allowed in layout tables

8.2 Summaries of layout tables

8.3 Linear reading order of tables

09 Links

9.1 Supplement link text with the title attribute

9.2 Text for images used as links

9.3 Image and text links side by side

9.4 Link Groups

9.5 tabindex to skip link groups

9.6 Skipping Link Groups

9.7 Hide link groups

9.8 Keyboard access

9.9 Anchors and targets

9.10 Using FRAME targets

10 Images

10.1 Short text equivalents for img elements ("alt-text")

10.2 Image titles

10.3 Short text equivalents for object elements ("alt-text")

10.4 Long descriptions of images

10.5 Long description of objects

10.6 D links

10.7 Describe images without longdesc

10.8 ASCII art

10.9 Emoticons

11 Image Maps

11.1 Use Client Side Image Map

11.2 Provide text links for server side image maps

11.3 Provide redundant text links for client side image map

11.4 Provide alt for area

12 Programmatic Objects

12.1 Text and non-text equivalents for applets and programmatic objects

12.2 Alt content for embed

12.3 Alt text for embed

12.4 Embedding multimedia objects

13 Frames

13.1 Providing a frame title

13.2 Describing frame relationships

13.3 Writing for browsers that do not support FRAME

13.4 Frame sources

13.5 Descriptive links for inaccessible frame source

13.6 Alternative content for iframe

13.7 Longdesc for iframe

14 Forms

14.1 Tab order in forms

14.2 Grouping form controls

14.3 Grouping options of select elements

14.4 Labeling form controls

14.5 Place-holding characters in empty controls

14.6 Text equivalents for submit buttons